And breathe… Finally got your feet up after tucking up the little monsters? Phew!
If yours are playing up and stalling for that extra chunk of your telly time, book time or you know, boo time, then this is not a bad trick to have up your sleeve. Us parents can be suckers when it comes to bedtime excuses. Especially when you hear your 3-year-olds’s ‘Pweeeze.’ So next time you’re in the bedtime battle, just
tell your kids they can watch an ENTIRE show before bed. Check this out, Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have launched
Dinotrux Favourites, an entire episode of the latest hit all in a nice little 5-minute package — letting your little negotiator think they’re getting away with the age-old ‘just five more minutes’ ploy, but the last laugh is for you. #boom!???