Eek! Any mum who tells you she’s not secretly freaking out that their child’s not yet walking, or speaking as fluently as the next kid is basically telling a porky.
Milestones are there as a guideline as to what your child should be doing, but can be a bit misleading too as we are told ‘every child is individual’ and ‘they’ll get there in their own time’ still we can’t help but panic and wonder about the ‘unknown’ or ‘what if’.
Is it the fault of technology, cool new apps on the smart phone that our toddlers would rather explore, than peruse the pages of a paperback book to get their language fix?
Perhaps it’s time to get back to the old school – Reading is fantastic for getting the imagination going. And if you’re a big kid/ drama queen at heart like me, you can have fun with different voices, accents and characters. Sometimes it is a challenge to gage their attention away from fabulous Peppa Pig on Netflix so making it fun is the key, creating a little theatre show with their toys, and using puppets often works a treat.